Thursday, October 15, 2009

Blast me with sadness I'll still be happy

I seem happy. I look happy. I'm happy ~

Ba told me on the phone: "
No matter happy or unhappy, life goes on.
有得揀,梗係開開心心啦 ~
What else? Choose to be happy!

So I would keep my problems with myself, and I'll still be happy.

Well, sad or stressed or termurung or emo or moody faces,
you can please share your problems with me.
Forgive me if I'm not capable to solve it, but I'll be there for you, at least to become your best listener.


  1. hoHo
    so much to blog?

    look~ o.O

    i am HAPPY

    from the outer surface

  2. ...

    It's good if you're really happy.
