Sunday, March 28, 2010

Testimony on 20th of March

Hi church! My name is Ji Yin and I'm a medical student in UCSI University. I have just completed my 2nd year final examinations & I'm glad to say that I have passed them with many blessings.

To be honest, I was lazy & had difficulty focusing on my studies. I was easily distracted by things like computer games and the Internet. That was why I failed my exam in the previous semester. Therefore, I told myself that by hook or by crook, I had to work very hard to avoid failing again. Yet unfortunately, in the last two weeks prior to the exams, I realized that I had not put in enough effort in my preparation. I was frustrated with myself because it seemed like I was about to stumble once again despite my being aware of my own weaknesses.

However, at that very moment, I found strength & hope in God. God blessed me through the people around me; my family members, pastors, church mates, cell group members & christian course mates. They all prayed for me earnestly; the most prayers I have ever received since I joined GEPC church in August last year. On the night before my final exam, I decided to stay awake for the whole night without sleeping in order to study as much as I can. I remember looking at the time and the clock showing that it was already 9pm.In my mind I had the thought of skipping my dinner but fortunately it wasn't meant to be, for almost immediately,the doorbell to my condominium unit rang. Lo and behold, brother Kah Choon appeared in front of the main door of my unit, bearing with him a piece of cake together with a can of energy drink! Needless to say, the preparation went well that night.

Time and tide waits for no man and in this case, it was no exception. Yes, the first day of the dreaded examinations finally arrived. I prayed to God for what I deserved and hoped for the best? In fact, I kept telling my friend that I was able to completely cover the cardiovascular system, only one out of the eleven body systems that I should already have covered by that time. My friend then told me that she was hoping for questions on the fetal blood circulation since that was a question that both of us aced previously. I agreed with a smile, & slowly made my way into the exam hall. By God's grace, the very first question that greeted us was regarding the fetal blood circulation! Hallelujah!

The second test was to see how skilled we were at performing specific clinical examinations. All students were divided into two groups. Group A took the morning session while group B was tested in the afternoon. I arrived in school early & waited for group A to finish their exams. While waiting, we happened to obtain hints from a junior who was asked to be a mock patient in the exam. Although it was only for 5 stations & it seemed unfair to the first group, it gave me a sense of calmness and boosted my confidence in performing the required examinations.

On the third day we had two papers. After completing the first one, we had a three hour-break and I decided to visit the library to do some final revision. In the library, I chanced upon Wing Jian, the top student in my class, sitting alone in a corner. Now, Wing Jian & I are not very close to begin with. However, being the ever welcoming person that he is, he invited me to do our revision together. I managed to recall & understand some vital facts very well with his guidance. He even flipped through the past papers of our weekly tests & discussed one question after another with me. Once again, during the second paper I felt pleased and grateful because about ten percent of the questions were directly adapted from the past test papers.

Feeling thankful for God's mercy, I have been consistent with my spiritual studies. Every night, I will read at least one chapter of the bible, together with Our Daily Bread as an additional reading material. After that, I will spend some time for prayers and try to comprehend the words of God as an effort to get closer to Him. Personally, I feel that this is the best way to find peace within myself. I believe that when you honour God, God will honour you. If you put God first in everything, everything will be put in the right place for you. One important reminder from my cell group leader, Clarence, is that we can be praying very hard or be very passionate in worship, but if we do not put God's words into action, we are merely living lies and living in vain. I know that by surrendering to God, I will be able to resist any temptations or distractions & can face any challenges in my journey towards pursuing a Godly life.

With that, I thank you all and God bless.

Billion thanks to brother Zhi Yang for enhancing the writing language.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

I will rejoice!

I'm like a lonely wanderer in the wild
although I'm standing right in the midst of people.

I'm like an uneducated stubborn child
inflexible to comprehend the truth.

I'm like a desperate explorer,
fully stretched over the limitations to seek the way.

& then, God spoke to me
during the sermon in church today.

He's answering to the questions in my mind
that I've asked in my previous post written in this morning.

I will rejoice! Even in turbulence.
His words relieve the oppression of my desire to lead a Godly life.

It's even more different now.

You are the one who care for me. You are the one whom I care.
That's why you're the reader of this blog.

Suppose I've gone way beyond the unacceptable,
I'm sorry
because this is just my very beginning of changes.

Again, Lord, abide in me I pray.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

天父 爱的信

你或许不认识我,我却认识你的一切 (诗 139:1)
你坐下你起来,我都晓得。 (诗139:2)
我也深知你一切所行的。 (诗139:3)
你是照着我的形像所造的。 (创1:27)
你生活、动作、存留,都在乎我。你也是我所生的。 (徒17:28)
甚至在你尚未成形以先,我已晓得你, (耶1: 5)
我在你母腹中造你, (诗139:13)
我能给予你的,远超过你在地上的父亲所能给予你的。(太 7:11)
你所领受各样美善的恩赐,都是从我来的,(雅 1:17)
因为我是你的供应者,我必供应你需要的一切。 (太 6:31-33)
我因你欢欣喜乐,(番 3:17)
我全心全意栽培你於此地, (耶32:41)
我要将伟大奥秘的事指示你,(耶 33:3)
因为是我在你心里动工,使你心里能立志行事。(腓 2:13)
我能为你成就一切,远超过你所求所想的。(弗 3:20)
如同牧人怀抱羊羔,我怀抱你在我胸前,(赛 40:11)
有一天,我要擦去你一切的眼泪, (启 21:4)
并带走你在世上的一切苦楚。(启 21:4)
我是你的父,我爱你如同我爱我的儿子 - 耶稣一样,(约17:23)
因为在耶稣里,就显明我对你的爱,(约 17:26)
祂是神本体的真像,(来 1:3)
祂来是表明我要帮助你,不是敌对你,(罗 8:31)
祂的死,是我爱你最极致的表达. (约壹4:10)
你若接受了这份礼物 - 我的儿子耶稣,你就接受了我。(约壹2:23)
我一直是父亲,也永远是父亲,(弗 3:14-15)



adapted from

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

What has been going on?

Pictures are from the photo album A Moment Of Focus on 10th March 2010.

Monday, March 1, 2010

I've never stop loving

J E S _ S

now all I need is U.

Yes, using metaphor, I mean the Lord & my friend.

but I hit on the wall.
I'll rampage through it.

but I exposed the darkness, rampant in me.
Tangled up, I couldn't move.

Losing grip in one hand.
Not nervous system disorder. Spiritually I fell sick.

I've never stop loving.
Lord, abide in me I pray.

Don't mind to understand what I said.
If you don't mind to understand me.
It's different now.