Saturday, March 13, 2010

I will rejoice!

I'm like a lonely wanderer in the wild
although I'm standing right in the midst of people.

I'm like an uneducated stubborn child
inflexible to comprehend the truth.

I'm like a desperate explorer,
fully stretched over the limitations to seek the way.

& then, God spoke to me
during the sermon in church today.

He's answering to the questions in my mind
that I've asked in my previous post written in this morning.

I will rejoice! Even in turbulence.
His words relieve the oppression of my desire to lead a Godly life.

It's even more different now.

You are the one who care for me. You are the one whom I care.
That's why you're the reader of this blog.

Suppose I've gone way beyond the unacceptable,
I'm sorry
because this is just my very beginning of changes.

Again, Lord, abide in me I pray.

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